
Adam Drake Adam Drake

Beta Testing

Somewhere along the line, the term “alpha” escaped the National Geographic specials and took up residence in the American political and cultural landscape. It became a rallying cry for a neglected segment of society—disaffected men who felt overlooked, unheard, and utterly baffled by the concept of avocado toast (which is delicious, by the way). These men weren’t necessarily looking for a leader; they were looking for validation. Enter the self-anointed alphas, swaggering in with solutions as simplistic as their worldviews.

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Adam Drake Adam Drake

We Exist in Trump’s Garden of Earthly Delights

For all his cultivated splendor, Trump's garden is haunted by the ghosts of real-world outcomes—economic disparities, environmental decline, and cultural division. His delight may be boundless, but, like Bosch’s garden, it is set against a backdrop of impermanence, of something larger waiting to descend upon the revelers.

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Adam Drake Adam Drake

Extra Color

What if we could see one extra color? Something out of the normal spectrum, apart from ultraviolet and infrared. How would it change our perception of life? Of art? It’s all but an impossibility, but the concept and the ability to push past our frameworks and guardrails and create something entirely new is, in fact, very possible.

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Adam Drake Adam Drake

Hot Air and Helium

The political landscape of the early 21st century has been marked by unprecedented influence exerted through unconventional means. One of the most significant and controversial relationships in recent history is between Russian President Vladimir Putin and former U.S. President Donald Trump. This relationship has sparked numerous investigations, debates, theories, and felony convictions. Central to this discourse is using social media as a tool for political influence and societal division.

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Adam Drake Adam Drake

The Sunk Cost Fallacy of the GOP

Donald Trump's entry into politics and his subsequent rise within the GOP provides a prime example of the sunk cost fallacy in action. Initially seen as an outsider with unconventional views, Trump's unorthodox candidacy gained traction despite skepticism from within the Republican establishment. As Trump's campaign gained momentum, the GOP faced a dilemma: whether to embrace or reject him.

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Adam Drake Adam Drake

45 And Counting

I turned to AI. I asked it for a list of things an American male should accomplish by the time they’re 45. Here’s the list, and here’s how I checkout.

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Adam Drake Adam Drake

The New Enlightenment

This essay envisions a transformative societal evolution, positioning the United States at the forefront of enlightenment, justice, and global progress.

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Adam Drake Adam Drake

It's OK to Not Know

Saying "I don't know" is not an admission of defeat but a powerful affirmation of our shared humanity.

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Adam Drake Adam Drake

LinkedIn Sucks

LinkedIn, once touted as the go-to platform for professionals to connect, network, and explore career opportunities, has faced increasing criticism in recent years. While it still boasts an impressive user base and offers valuable features, many users are beginning to feel that the platform is failing in some crucial aspects.

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Adam Drake Adam Drake

Summer/Fall Reading List

Another season - or two -and another list of my favorite books I’ve read during these months. As a collection, these run an almost schizophrenic array of topics, from fiction to non-fiction, historical dramas to modern character studies. All are worth a read.

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Adam Drake Adam Drake

Assembling Eternity

We can - effortlessly - replicate a person digitally. We could capture their voice, likeness, and personality, assemble them, and power this Frankenstein monster through an AI engine. And, taking it to the next level, could we make digital copies of ourselves?

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Adam Drake Adam Drake

The Spring Reading List

Spring always seems like the shortest season. At least in the northeast, it’s really just an extension of winter, followed by a few weeks of temperatures in the upper 60s, followed by unrelenting rain and humidity. This spring was … different.

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Adam Drake Adam Drake

Yes, but Why?

Make no mistake, the Apple Vision Pro is an absolute masterpiece of engineering. (Though, why they didn’t call it the iMask is beyond me.) It is a symphony of software and industrial design working hand-in-hand to create something new, profound, and, depending on your comfort in wearing ski goggles indoors, very cool. It clears up the mistakes made by Google Glass (too limited) and Oculus (cheaply made) while creating a new segment in the marketplace. As is typical of Apple, it’s over-engineered, intuitive, and built incredibly well. This device will be the category leader, like the iMac, iPod, and iPhone before it.

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Adam Drake Adam Drake

Opinions are Like...

Opinions refine. They improve. They create diamonds out of coal. Opinions can range from informed and thoughtful to uninformed and biased, but regardless of their quality, they are a crucial part of human communication and interaction.

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Adam Drake Adam Drake

Art or Artist?

In recent years, the issue of separating art from the artist has become increasingly prevalent in discussions about popular culture. The debate centers around the question of whether it is possible or ethical to enjoy an artist's work while simultaneously condemning their personal behavior or beliefs. One example of this debate, and perhaps the most prominent, is J.K. Rowling, the author of the immensely popular Harry Potter series.

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Adam Drake Adam Drake

AI on the Rise

The rise of AI technologies such as ChatGPT and MidJourney is an exciting development that has the potential to revolutionize the way we do marketing and advertising. But, it is important to remember that these technologies are not a replacement for human creativity but rather a tool to enhance it.

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Adam Drake Adam Drake

The Summer/Fall Reading List

I spent the summer and fall reading about titans of industry, rogues, insanity, and mythology. These are a few of my favorites.

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