Vaccine Passports Need the Blockchain


(This was originally written a few months ago. With the rise in discussions concerning "vaccine passports" I thought it should be expanded while helping to inspire some thoughtful discussions.)

In the past, you were given yellow cards to indicate you were vaccinated and safe to travel. But in today’s world, how do those who’ve been truly immunized against COVID-19 prove it?

In the next few months as the vaccines become more widespread, travel, restaurants, and stores will begin opening back up. But to gain access safely, it’s imperative that we have a way to verify those who have been vaccinated.

Society should consider blockchain. It’s decentralized, next-to-impossible to falsify, and easy to verify. In other words, it might just be the best way to guarantee both accuracy and privacy of someone's vaccine record. Plus, with the travel industry itching to open back up, I'm sure you'd get major players from the airline and hospitality worlds to invest. Here’s how I envision it working:

  • Once vaccinated, your doctor/pharmacist gives you a QR code that holds a specific blockchain key.

  • Scanning the code verifies you have been immunized and your name is put into an encrypted database.

  • At an airport, you take out a mobile app that pulls data from the database, and you’re able to show that you have been immunized because your name/address lines up with what’s stored in the non-hackable blockchain.

Now, imagine built-in incentives. Those with blockchain vaccine verifications would be able to skip certain queues at passport control. Airlines could maximize their seating arrangements on planes filled solely with verified travelers. Further, this might push along the virtual passport movement - allowing international travelers to keep their passports on their phones (again, securely with blockchain).

I’m sure there are some Orwellian downsides to this – databases of this kind grey the line of ethics while also potentially vilifying the non-vaccinated. That said, it’s an area that demands further inquiry if we’re to open society back up in a safe and trusted manner.


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